Saturday, September 30, 2006
Random Pictures prior to the"Boys Tour '06"

Another bloody palace, out near where we watched cricket
Here we have Kieran James being taped up after suffering a horrendous cricketing injury, luckily first aider Greg was on the job..and only half way through the bottle of port.

Kierans cheerleading squad, Becky, Sarah, Amelia and Greg

Here we have Sapph and her notebook, who have somehow avoided appearing on this blog thus far

And here is a bloke Fly Fishing in Wimbledon

..yeah I know, no decent updates, hopefully have the first half of last months boy's tour by the end of the week, though am off to Ranconteurs concert thursday night followed by flying to Norway for the weekend might be a little busy buying warm clothes, might sneak in some time on the net before work