Saturday, September 30, 2006
Natural History Museum
Now Luke and I visited here when we first arrived, mainly because it was free and we wanted to see dinosaurs, however we were still fairly jet-lagged and there were far too many school children on holiday visiting to really enjoy the place, so upon Mike's arrival we decided to give the museum another go.
Mike and the Natural History Museum

In the main Foyer

Mike in front of a Triceratops

And here we have a sneaky pic of some Velociraptors hatching...pretty good timing alright...

Got a good video of the Tyrannosaurus too which I'll put up on here as soon as I work out how.

The mammal room was pretty impressive

As was the two horned rhino

And this gives you an idea of how huge the building is from the inside.

The last area we visited was all about rocks and gems

Then it was off home via red bus