Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Sick of waiting for work...My Touring Plan!

I've spent the last week or so camped in internet cafe's applying for work and for registration with recruitment agencies, yesterday I got my first possible offer however it was a 12 month contract paying only £18000 which would then leave me in a pretty unstable position not being legally allowed to work in the UK for my last year. So sick of waiting around I figure I'll go see some of the country while I still have the cash on me, my plan (at this stage) is to find either a bus or train (or a friendly irish girl) to drive me to Canterbury where I hope to check out the cathedral today, as well as the local night nife. Then on Thursday (tomorrow) I will attempt to find some transport to Dover to see the fortification as well as the 250m chalk white cliffs, before somehow getting a ride to Brighton which apparently has a well excellent nightlife. On Friday I plan to travel to Portsmouth where I want to check out some of the boat museums including the famous Admiral Nelsons boat. I then hope to somehow make it to Salisbury for the night (again a good reputation for nightlife).On Saturday and also perhaps Sunday morning I plan to catch a bus through to Stonehenge and also the other older and larger stonehenge...I think its called Avebury or something. I then expect to train back into London, wake up monday contact all recruitment agency's for any jobs that have come up, take the first job that pay's decent, find a flat Tuesday and hopefully start some work later in the week. At the moment the weather here is absolutely awesome, mid 20's and the sun doesn't burn so much as it makes you brown, god bless the generous smog UV protection around here.

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