Monday, June 12, 2006
I have returned!

I'm now back in London, red as a lobster and finally completly sober (excluding the steinlager I had with lunch). Only managed to do half the trip I planned (just the southeast), was still a fantastic trip and I am eagerly awaiting doing the southwest sometime soon. As planned I did make it to Canterbury on the first day albeit late in the afternoon, saw St Martins church and found a backpackers run by some aussies...long story short we soon found that New Zealanders, Aussies and the South Africans at the hostel all had a soft spot for having a few beers around a bonfire which led to a pretty huge night in Canterbury and to myself not being fit for travel till very late the next day.
I did manage a guided tour of the cathedral before having one of my trademark change of hearts and decided that I would indeed head to Dover that night instead of Brighton.
Socially Dover was pretty dour though I did tour Dover castle as well as the (not so) secret World War 2 underground tunnels, which was fantastic. I managed to find a train to take me to Brighton however unfortunately half way there just outside of the town of Rye the train broke down and we had a well over 2 hour wait before we were on our way again.
Made it to Brighton very late and after some initial hiccups finding accomodation found a most excellent hostel and was up very late having some quiet drinks with the other international residents. Being a true Kiwi I still managed to pull myself out of bed at 7 the next morning and spent the next hour in a terrible state roaming the streets of Brighton trying to find a pub or hotel that would be agreeable to playing the All Blacks game. Luckily enough I did find an Australasian pub with a group of fellow dedicated kiwis waiting outside and did manage to watch the game, while eating a traditional english breakfast and drinking some traditional Irish Guinness's. Spent most of the rest of the day reading a book out on the beach...for some reason thinking I was immune to the English sun. I got a text from Amelia saying there was a flatwarming back in London, now realising that as sunburnt as I was and that I was now on my last clean pair of clothes I figured discretion was the better part of valour said goodbye to my new friends and trained back to London.
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